About Starting
A Family

Whichever journey into parenthood you have chosen, this space was created to provide you with all the necessary resources and information that you would need in order to take that first step towards starting a family.

Whichever journey into parenthood you have chosen, this space was created to provide you with all the necessary resources and information that you would need in order to take that first step towards starting a family.

Starting a family

Some couples begin planning for a family almost immediately after getting married. Some start their families accidentally. There are others who decide on building a family when the time is right. Whichever journey into parenthood you have chosen, this space was created to provide you with all the necessary resources and information that you would need in order to take that first step towards starting a family.

While getting pregnant has been commonly thought to be a completely natural process, it is not as easy as it seems to be. Several factors must be aligned for a child to be conceived and studies have shown a decline in fertility rates across Asia.

Why does conception take longer than expected?

What are the contributing factors?

How do you know if you are fertile?

Where can you go for help?

Who can you talk to?

Feeling overwhelmed is normal especially when there is a deep desire to conceive immediately. It can get exasperating and sometimes embarrassing, leading to more frustration when trying to talk about it.

Fertility used to be a topic that was tip-toed around and avoided, but that shouldn’t be the case. Trying to find answers and solutions to conceive should not be a taboo.

Let’s embrace the love of having our own children, while embarking on a different journey from the rest.

Get The
Right Help

So, you may need medical help conceiving. You need more knowledge. Where do you start?


Here, we provide you with a breakdown of all that you need to know about getting help conceiving, including types of treatment, what to expect, what to ask your fertility doctor and more!


Startingafamily.com is here to guide you through your journey to conceive a child.

Disclaimer : The information provided by Merck is not a substitute for professional medical care or advice and intended for educational purposes only and should be used only as an aid in understanding the medical condition and treatment. A physician or another healthcare professional should always be consulted for any health problem or medical condition.
Button Image Check your fertility status