Seeking medical help is a brave first step towards building the family you have always dreamed of. Keep in mind that it is always best to consult your fertility expert as early on in your journey as possible.

How Can A Fertility Expert Help Me?

There are several fertility treatments available to help you conceive. While it may seem like a daunting experience, fertility experts are here to guide you and provide you with various options so you can make informed decisions. Taking the first step to consult a fertility expert can help rule out any existing medical complications, put your mind at ease and provide recommendations for fertility treatments.

Speaking To A Doctor

Getting started on your fertility journey can be an emotional experience. It is important to find yourself the right doctor, as they will be the one who will be guiding you through your journey towards starting a family. Take your time in speaking with your doctor and assess whether you feel comfortable with them before proceeding any further.

Usually, several tests will be conducted before any treatment options are recommended. While most of the tests in a fertility check-up are centred on women, there are also critical tests for men to undergo as there can be more than one factor affecting a couple’s chances of getting pregnant naturally.

We encourage you to take one step at a time in your fertility journey, and seek support from trusted medical experts to address any concerns you may have.

It can be daunting to share intimate details with a doctor for the first time, but being as open as possible helps your doctor in providing you with the right advice. If you don’t feel at ease discussing certain topics in front of your partner, you can ask to speak with your doctor in private. Should you feel uncomfortable around a particular doctor, you can always ask to speak to their colleague instead.

Always remember that your specialists are there to support you, and that they all share the same goal; helping you to have a baby.

Choosing A Fertility Clinic

How do you decide which fertility clinic is right for you? You may have to visit a few fertility clinics before finding one that you are comfortable with.
Consider the following when making your decision:

First impressions
Additional services
Fertility technology
Availability of counselling
and support
Your eligibility
Success rates

Roles of My Fertility Team

During your fertility journey, it is more than likely that you will have questions and concerns. Knowing who does what in your fertility team can help you identify the best person to address your concerns.

What Kind of Questions Will
Your Specialist Ask?

During your first appointment, your doctor will ask you and your partner about:

Your medical and personal history in detail

Your diet and lifestyle

Your current sex life and how long you’ve been trying to conceive

Infertility is a tricky subject to talk about and in the moment, you may not know what to say to your doctors especially during your first appointment. The first clinic appointment help sheet is available to help you to prepare some answers in advance.

If there’s anything you feel uncomfortable discussing in front of your partner, you can always ask to talk with your doctor privately.

Disclaimer : The information provided by Merck is not a substitute for professional medical care or advice and intended for educational purposes only and should be used only as an aid in understanding the medical condition and treatment. A physician or another healthcare professional should always be consulted for any health problem or medical condition.

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