Seeking medical help is a brave first step towards building the family you have always dreamed of. Keep in mind that it is always best to consult your fertility expert as early on in your journey as possible.

What Are The Options
Available For Me?

Asking for help when it comes to conceiving can be intimidating when getting pregnant is commonly thought to be the most natural process for married couples. Many couples don’t understand the nuances of fertility or what infertility is until having gone through months of trying to get pregnant. If you’ve realised that you have been unable to conceive after 6-12 months of trying, it could be time to seek professional help.

There are several factors that influence fertility and it is important that couples understand these factors to kick start their fertility journey. Keep in mind that it is always best to consult your fertility expert as early on in your journey as possible. Seeking medical help is a brave first step towards building the family you have always dreamed of. Our intention is to guide you through your experience: from understanding fertility, getting a fertility expert to help you, to explaining all the options regarding fertility interventions that are available.

Disclaimer : The information provided by Merck is not a substitute for professional medical care or advice and intended for educational purposes only and should be used only as an aid in understanding the medical condition and treatment. A physician or another healthcare professional should always be consulted for any health problem or medical condition.

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